The Impact School of Architecture (ISA) envisions itself as an institution working at the cutting-edge of modern architectural thought and its various approaches to produce rich and diverse designs, concepts, and creative expressions that contribute to the ongoing advancement of architecture while having a basic concern for human and ecological welfare.

In keeping with this vision, the school has the objective of upgrading the current undergraduate program and postgraduate studies in digital architecture for the advancement of research and innovative design practices in architecture.


Courses Offered: 

Bachelor Program

Duration: 5 Years

        Bachelor of Architecture

Master's Program

Duration: 2 Years

        Master of Architecture in Digital Architecture



IMPACT School for Architecture offers the 5 year B Arch program of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Govt of Karnataka. The Bachelor of Architecture Program is a professional program accredited by the Council of Architecture (COA), Govt of India, requiring a minimum of five years of study. Most states require that individuals intending to become architects hold an accredited degree. These professional degrees are structured to educate those who aspire to registration and licensure to practice as architects. The Bachelor of Architecture program offered by ISA has been ranked among the top ranked programs in the country.

The curriculum of study for the Bachelor of Architecture degree are organized into three categories: a core or required courses in architecture study, arts courses, and internship in an architectural firm. The core is primarily taken in the first four years and is designed to give the basic professional preparation in architectural design, construction technology, graphic communication, and humanistic aspects of design. This personalized fourth-year curriculum is directed toward a culmination in the fifth-year internship. The project and thesis in the fourth year polishes the student's academic architectural experience with an in-depth design study, preceded and accompanied by research. The degree project is executed with the guidance from critics and guides chosen by ISA. The fifth year of internship at an architect's firm completes the academic program with a real world feel through delivering of real projects for real clients under senior architects.

We at IMPACT aim at creating an awareness and exposure to interior design as a discipline that is closely related to the field of design and supplementing it. It would offer a rudimentary knowledge and overview of the various aspects of Interior Design. Impact School of Architecture does not seek to impose just aesthetic sensitivity in students, rather we aim at encouraging every student to have an individual design approach. IMPACT also aims at making its students as a specialist professional who supports the Architects and designers in their work process.


Digital Architecture is a sector of architecture discipline that's applied to finding digital solutions to design. Technology definitely being its favourite tool, digital architecture redefines the solution design process and shifts the focus from the problem to experience. Thus an architect who's striving to become a Digital Architect must appreciate this shift and be keen to refresh their thinking about the design methodology.
We at Impact institution try to find the right balance to evoke our creativity with the aid of computational design thinking. Under the paradigm of Co-Design, where novel possibilities in design, engineering and fabrication are explored. By being able to use alternate materials like prefabricated materials. Digital design process can help us in building systems by adopting an integrative computational approach based on interdisciplinary research encompassing architecture, structural engineering, building physics, manufacturing and system engineering, computer science, robotics, social sciences and humanities.

Our multidisciplinary approach will provide students with the knowledge and skills to discover innovative computational methods for use in the creative and design industries. In particular, we will look at form-finding using parametric and generative methods, preparing digital information for further rigorous analysis. The studio and dissertation projects allow you to apply your digital design knowledge and skills creatively. Learn innovative algorithmic design methods in architecture. Build your own digital tools through visual programming and scripting. Participate in multi-disciplinary teamwork that mirrors professional practice. We understand the scope and importance of comprehensive design thinking, parametric design approach, and computational methods.


Student testimony


My college, the world of colors which I saw and entered 4 years ago, where I had new experiences, met new friends and learned a lot of new things. The campus itself is a green campus where you can feel the pleasant atmosphere with every footstep. The faculty members and our director were our great asset, who helped us and guided each student with their problems. I was an introvert when I was in the first year, and today I'm the college president a change in life was never expected.

Bharath Rao

10th Semester, IMPACT School of Architecture



Campus Life

Life as an Impactian is more than just academic benefits. Many architecture firms across the city support assist college students from There Moments on Campus until Their Last Step as Commencement.


Accommodation & Facilities

ISA hosts a range of facilities for aspiring architects to learn and stay. Full-fledged classrooms equipped with the latest audio-visual aids, IT-enabled simulation and representation devices, latest software and a well-stocked library- all these only come as an additional edge to an eco -friendly, serene campus where nature stirs up your imagination. While the hostels are well equipped, hygienic and secure, special care has been given to provide additional facilities like sports and visit to doctor.

Impact School of Architecture is home to many students from across the country and the world. There are separate hostels for boys and girls. The hostel mess provides predominantly vegetarian food. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are served at the hostel mess to individual students. ISA ensures that the hostels are well-managed and meet the needs of its students.


APPLY NOW!!! www.impact.ac.in


Contact us

Ms. Pavithra R

Admissions officer

+91 8050011855, 9916665900

[email protected]




Reach Us

Impact Campus, Sahakaranagar post, Kodigehalli, Bangalore 560 092
  Contact No - 8050011855  |     Email - [email protected]